Author Archives: paul lathrop
Open Space
Open heart Open mind Open Space Broke open Wide open For all the world To see
Enveloping Love
Beauty Peace Enveloping Love All happening In life Amidst The chaos and strife Open Broke open No packaging No dress up Kind of love Sweet Gentle Peaceful All That you can Be
My soul rests In the quiet Gentle Still Moment Of solitude My soul rests In what is
Gentle Stillness
Wind blowing leaves Gently falling In the crisp Morning air Hard to avoid Time In the crest Of a wave As life Simply Strolls By Grasping Nothing Along The way Everything Eventually Finding Its way Home Bringing Everything To rest
Peace and Love
Flow together Like rivers Of life An elixir of Great happiness Springing forth Giving off Light To all
Dead Silent
Hardly ever Happens What a beautiful Thing What a Beautiful Thing
Birds Chirping
Birds chirping Reminds me to play Mist on my face Makes me Smile As I listen Enjoying The beauty In the ever Present Moment No need to Fuss There will be Time enough For that Or Let it all Go
Happily Breathing
As I ponder The imponderable And measure The immeasurable Try to wear The unwearable I find myself Right back Where I started Happily Breathing
Mysterious Peace
Mysterious Peace Deep Abiding Love Fill The air Compassion Joy Stillness At every Corner Making Their way Through All
Changing Moment
Sky and clouds Reach down Touch The mountains Trees Birds River Flowers Eyes see Ears hear Everything Touching In some way Connected In still In Movement In change Wind Air Flowers Seeds Everything Playing Its part In the ever Changing Moment