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The Upside down world of Technology

Posted by on September 14, 2013

8210762750_7642b21e39_nTechnology can sometimes
Drive you crazy mad bonkers
When you’re on the precipice
Of turning 50
I am still learning new tricks
On my rock steady flip phone
My computer’s out of date
It can scarcely keep up
And my car how does it work
With its fancy computers and chips
I am moving down the road
That much I know
Here we go again
Every time I move my finger
I think I’m in trouble
Listening devices for music
Sure look sophisticated
Games on the computers
That go really fast
Oh that simple little tennis game
I used to enjoy
I still find myself asking
Where did the timeĀ go
But I love it all still
Its fun
Keeps you going
Morning coffee got more options
Conveniences run wild
All with just a press of a button
If you know what to do
Now you might know the answers
To the questions you will find
To understanding
And keeping yourself young
You may have heard it recited
It may even be cliche
But if your anything like me
Your best bet may be
To go ask a child

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