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Along the Shore

Posted by on September 29, 2013

3956909601_98ae7c4e94_mI imagine
I am there
Listening to Him
Watching Him
I can hear the sea
Lap against the shore
The birds rustling in the branches
The sights and smells
Come alive
The gentle breeze
The gentle laughter
As we walk
All I can do
Is listen
Soak it all in
And that seems to be okay
He says some interesting things
His goodness
Hard to believe
But I feel at home
And I am not even
From here
The rustle of the branches
As the wind gently blows
I remain in the moment
Drink it in
Reminds me of the calm
Gentle peace
I feel
Among the reeds
Gently swaying back and forth
Like the sway of the sea
Like the Savior
As we walk
Along the shore
You are there

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